> В Пнд, 26/01/2009 в 16:16 -0800, JINMEI Tatuya / 神明達哉 пишет:
> > http://www.jinmei.org/patch/bind9-lrucache.diff
> > (should be cleanly applicable to 9.6).
> > and let me know if it mitigates the problem?

On 29.01.09 22:50, Dmitry Rybin wrote:
> Oh, great work. I'll try tomorrow.

> > Other recommendations:
> > - I previously suggested using a separate cache-only view and forward
> >   all recursive queries to that view.  Have you tried that?  If you
> >   have, didn't it work as I hoped?

> Yes, I try it. But I can't set ttl to 0. It didn't work. Recursive query
> fails, and authoritative query back to clients with ttl 0  :(

Yes, that is what "Setting TTL to 0" means.


can't you really lower the views count?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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