BIND 9.4.3-P1, Solaris 8

 I'm trying to get a chroot setup to work following the instructions here

# /usr/sbin/named -g -t /var/named/chroot
17-Feb-2009 12:05:56.789 starting BIND 9.4.3-P1 -g -t /var/named/chroot
17-Feb-2009 12:05:56.790 found 2 CPUs, using 2 worker threads
17-Feb-2009 12:05:56.793 ./main.c:506: unexpected error:
17-Feb-2009 12:05:56.793 isc_socketmgr_create() failed: file not found
17-Feb-2009 12:05:56.794 create_managers() failed: unexpected error
17-Feb-2009 12:05:56.794 exiting (due to early fatal error)

 The log gives no indication which file is not found, and truss doesn't
 help either:

chroot("/var/named/chroot")                     = 0
chdir("/")                                      = 0
brk(0x0025CEF8)                                 = 0
brk(0x0025EEF8)                                 = 0
pipe()                                          = 6 [7]
fork1()                                         = 10598
lwp_sigredirect(0, SIGWAITING, 0x00000000)      Err#22 EINVAL
lwp_cond_wait(0xFF275548, 0xFF275558, 0xFF26EDB0) = 0
lwp_mutex_wakeup(0xFF275558)                    = 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0xFF275558)                      = 0
lwp_mutex_wakeup(0xFF275558)                    = 0
lwp_mutex_lock(0xFF275558)                      = 0
close(7)                                        = 0
read(6, 0xFFBEFC0F, 1)                          = 0

 This bind was compiled for threads, and /dev/poll is not in the jail.

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