On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 08:58:28AM -0800,
 Scott Baker <bak...@web-ster.com> wrote 
 a message of 18 lines which said:

> I am unable to resolve visitriverside.com with my Bind 9 server. I
> don't have any problems resolving other domains, it just appears to
> be this host.

visitriverside.com is highly broken: it has two name servers, which
are in another domain and there is no address for these name servers:

% dig +short NS visitriverside.com  
% dig +short A ns2.ironhotsites.com.     
% dig +short A ns1.ironhotsites.com. 

Running dig without +short shows that there is a NXDOMAIN for these
two names.

So, it is not surprising if it does not work. 
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