In message <>, Rui Lopes writes:
> Mark Andrews wrote:
> > Mark Andrews writes:
> >   
> >> In message <>, Rui Lopes writes:
> >>     
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> Ben Bridges wrote:
> >>>       
> >>> [...]
> >>>> You could try creating example.test as a forward zone in named.conf on
> >>>> your sun server and specifying plesk as the forwarder for that zone.
> >>>>         
> >>> Indeed, adding a forward zone like bellow works!  but why does it work?
> >>> or why is it needed?
> >>>
> >>> zone "example.test" {
> >>>         type forward;
> >>> //      forward only;
> >>> //      forwarders {; };
> >>> };
> >>>
> >>> Note that I only needed to include the "type forward" line, the other
> >>> lines do not seem to be needed.  I'm I missing something?  they aren't
> >>> really needed?  By reading the bind manual it seems we have to include th
> em
> >>>       
> >> .
> >>     
> >>    You turned off forwarding for that namespace.
> >>    It's the equivalent of:
> >>
> >>            zone "example.test" {
> >>                    type forward;
> >>                    forwarders { /* empty */ };
> >>            };
> >>
> >>
> >>    You could have also added it to the test zones config.
> >>
> >>            zone "test" {
> >>                    type master;  // or slave
> >>     
> >                                   // or stub
> >   
> >>                    ...
> >>                    forwarders { /* empty */ };
> >>            };
> >>
> >>    Mark
> >>  
> Thanks!
> Why isn't bind just following the "example.test. NS plesk.test." RR that
> is inside the "test." zone without removing the forwarders?

        Because you have a forwarding turned on at the options/view
        level.  Unless you have a special reason (like you can't
        reach the root servers) that requires forwarding I don't
        recommend using it.

> Best regards,
> Rui Lopes
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