We are moving our DNS from djbdns to bind9 in next few day.

We have  /20 IP range, but in trying to use one named.conf entry it seem we
msising something.

This is what we try do, our example will use
Applying classless delegation principle (mabe this only work on sub /24 ?)

zone "1/20.1.10.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "dsl.rev";
         ......(other options)

(even try 0.1/20.1.10....)

zone file is

$ORIGIN 0/20.1.10.in-addr.arpa.        (every combination tried match
named.conf entry)
@               SOA ..... (everything else)

Zones all load but still show NXDOMAIN
dumpdb shows     1.0/20.1.10.in-addr.arpa  etc  which look very wrong ?

We miss something? Surely not have to write named.conf zone entry for every
/24 separate?
Thank you very much for help
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