> I agree with Rick Dicaire that this should not be done as a zone at
> Instead, this should be implemented in rndc. I do agree with the
premise that it 
> would be nice to be able to have a list of all zones on the server.

I would tend to agree that rndc is the best place for it, except in
places where doing the "r" part of rndc isn't possible.  If you're in a
tightly controlled environment, where rndc isn't used because of
security/firewalls, you'd be stuck using another method to get the data,
instead of utilizing a data channel that already exists.

Additionally, there may well be times where I'd want to give access to
people to see what zones are on the server, without giving them access
to the console, or to run rndc.  This a NOC doing troubleshooting - they
may not have access to the box, or be able to use RNDC, but it would be
handy if they could look and see what zones are loaded on the server.

Granted, these are edge cases really, but ones where having the data
available as a zone would be more useful than through rndc.

Any which way, having access to the data would be good.


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