On Jun 16, 2009, at 4:08 AM, Chris Thompson wrote:
On Jun 15 2009, Chris Buxton wrote:
On Jun 13, 2009, at 4:59 AM, Erik Lotspeich wrote:
Is it normal that a validating resolver can't validate a domain it is
authoritative for?

Absolutely. As Alan Clegg wrote not long ago on this list,

You presumably refer to


which I *suppose* counts as "not long ago" ... :-)

That's not long ago to me... it was this year after all. :-)

this is why a DNSSEC validating resolver should not be authoritative for any signed zones.

This seems too strong to me, There are lots of good reasons why one may want a resolver to stealth slave local (possibly signed) zones, and thus be "authoritative" for them. However, it is certainly the case that because no other validation is performed on these zones, they should be fetched by secure means, e.g. TSIG-signed transfers from trusted master servers.

As a purist, I dislike stealth slaves. They're too error-prone. It's better to use a stub zone if necessary, in my opinion.

That said, if only DNSSEC-ignorant resolvers (including stub resolvers) are querying the server, then yes, there is a valid case to be made for a stealth slave. But even then, if the zone has any subzones, or might ever be given any subzones, then I believe there will be problems unless the resolving stealth slave is also given trust anchors for all such subzones. It's better and simpler, then, to use a single trust anchor and a stub zone (a resolver hint) for the domain apex rather than a slave zone.

Chris Buxton
Professional Services
Men & Mice

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