In message <>, Chris Buxton 
> On Nov 17, 2009, at 8:27 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
> > multi-master true; still assumes correct zone serial number
> > maintenance.  It just prevents the warnings about serial number
> > going backwards which is a normal side effect of having multiple
> > masters vs a master with multiple addresses.
> OK, wow. I thought it was intended to permit a DR primary master, with =
> radically different data, to take over in the event of a failure of the =
> main primary master.
> My mistake, I guess. How would one handle switchover to a DR primary =
> master? 'rndc retransfer' on all slaves?

As part of the process of bringing a DR site online you set the
serial to be bigger than the primary site.   I suspect you would
have the DR site keeping the serial at primary + delta where delta
is big enough to swallow any changes that the primary may have made
w/o the DR site being aware.  The DR site would not supply ixfr
deltas initially resulting in a full axfr to all slaves.
> Chris Buxton
> Professional Services
> Men & Mice
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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