Thanks guys, sorry needed some down time to recharge my batteries - am gona combine all answers into one lump mail :-)

Frank Pikelner wrote:
Do your bind logs give any clues as to what is going on? On the master make sure you have read permission and the file is being loaded. On the slave it should be attempting a transfer.

Frank Pikelner

On 2009-12-01, at 6:21 PM, "Kaya Saman" <> wrote:

Unfortunately the only place I can find anything to do with Bind log-wise is in /var/adm/messages.... there is no specific /var/log/bind or named log like in Linux with my system or it is in such a weird place I haven't found it yet! I've also tried looking for it several times but never managed to find it.

"What do you mean "the Blastwave version"?

I've got BIND 9.6.0-P1 running on Solaris 9 with patches that are
current as of Sept 2008... My version was, however, compiled on the
machine it is running on though. See domain or Two of my nameservers are external. I believe that
the 'external' view transfers..."


pkg repo for Solaris/OpenSolaris, kind of similar to yum or apt-get for Linux.....

external views transfer but just not the reverse? But then since my network only has 1 single WAN IP I am trying to transfer everything internally through the intranet using local IP's and wondering if some issues could be there?

"    type master;
   allow-transfer { other.servers.ip.addresses; };

I tend to do
options {
   allow-transfer {"none";};

But this wouldn't explain why all the rest can transfer and the one zone

Have you made sure that the slaved copies for the internal view and the
external view go to DIFFERENT files?  Otherwise they overwrite each
other and strange timing effects occur.

Just thoughts."

Joseph, yes definitely they are going to different files as I have 14 different zone files 7 in each 'view' - with 13 files getting transferred......

I don't know if there's any way to start Bind verbosely or alternatively a command that will check the zone transfers?

I only have these available to me:

bash-2.05# ls /opt/csw/sbin
dnssec-dsfromkey dnssec-signzone named named-compilezone sasldblistusers2 wget.static dnssec-keyfromlabel logwatch named-checkconf rndc saslpasswd2 dnssec-keygen lwresd named-checkzone rndc-confgen squid

Is one of these capable?

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