At 06:36 06/12/2009, Danny Mayer wrote:
JFC Morfin wrote:
> I wish to set-up my BIND DNS server on window XP as a service. I checked
> the "automatic start-up". Unfortunately it did not work. The readme1st
> guide only says that the way to do it is as usual, what does not help me
> since I never did it. When I try using mmc there is no way I find to
> declare named as a service.
> Would there be a dedicated Windows/BIND internet user oriented site
> which explains how to install BIND on windows?

Did you actually read the readme? Did you run BINDInstall? Did you
create an named.conf file? Did you check your application event log?

Dear Danny,
My questions were basic questions of a basic user, i.e. what I either to answer or to solve for him, as part of a complete support of IDNA. I therefore understand that BINDInstall is the tool to start from, i.e. study and extend as per the new requirements I may perceive. And that a dedicated (IDNA/)BIND(/Windows) support solution is to be explored if it appears necessary, none existing yet.

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