Hi folks,

According to DNS and BIND (the book) and other sources, BIND from 9.3 on is able to calculate differences for a zone file that is manually edited by using the following methodology:

rndc freeze <zone>
rndc thaw <zone>


All servers have "ixfr-from-differences yes;" appears in options { } on the master and slave servers.

I have created a script that does what is specified. The perform-updates-on-the-zone-file part of the process reads a list of IPs from a proprietary database and recreates the zone file. The result is the same zone file with a new serial number and some changes in the IPs that are include (A records for a blocking list). The rest of the file appears unchanged. This is as if the file had been edited by hand to change a few of the A records and update the serial number with no other changes.

I am performing this operation on an RHEL 5 server using the an RPM from FC including BIND 9.6.1. BIND (named) is running chrooted.

The zone file is located in /var/named/chroot/var/named/dynamic so that named can write to it and create the .jnl file.

The design of the system is for this server to calculate the differences and then provide the changes to slave servers vi IXFR for delivery to end user systems etc.

The problem:

With each update the entire zone is being retransmitted via AXFR. Since this is on the order of 2 - 5 million A records where only a handfull will have changed between updates (about 10 minutes apart) -- AXFR is _NOT_ desired.

Additional symptoms:

BIND appears to be unable to see the .jnl file after it is successfully created. It complains at each update that the .jnl file does not exist and then recreates it. However it is clear that the .jnl file _does_ exist and has the correct permissions for named to see it.

Log says:

journal file /var/named/dynamic/blacklist.example.com.zone.jnl does not exist, creating it

However ls says:

[r...@server etc]# ls -l /var/named/chroot/var/named/dynamic
total 56704
-rwxrwx--- 1 named named 57852592 Jan 21 20:11 blacklist.example.com.zone
-rw-r--r-- 1 named named 141770 Jan 21 20:12 blacklist.example.com.zone.jnl

Additional info:

The master and slave servers are using the same version of BIND in the same configuration. The slave servers are working correctly as a resolver farm and have been for quite some time. Once transferred queries to the zone work as expected. The problem is strictly how the transfers are done.

As an experiment I tried using nsupdate to change a single record at a time in the zone. Each time I changed a single record the slaves were notified and performed a full download of the zone again via AXFR.

Anyone have any idea what's going on?
Why doesn't IXFR work as specified?
Why does BIND complain that the .jnl file for the zone does not exsit when it is clearly visible? Why does a single record change via nsupdate also cause a full zone transfer to slaves?

Thanks in advance!


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