I'm running Fedora 12 version bind-9.6.1-15.P3.fc12.x86_64 (that's the RPM.)


Every once and a while when one of my coworkers updates a zone file and runs
rndc reload, about 20 seconds later Bind randomly crashes. Here's the debug
from the last crash:


Feb  1 15:05:45 dns named[16455]: mem.c:918: INSIST(ctx->stats[i].gets ==
0U) failed                                    

Feb  1 15:05:45 dns named[16455]: exiting (due to assertion failure)


It has yet to do it to me once, yet it has done it to him three times now.
Any ideas?


Thomas E. Casartello, Jr.

Staff Assistant - Wireless/Linux Administrator

Information Technology

Wilson 105A

Westfield State College

(413) 572-8245


Red Hat Certified Technician (RHCT)


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