I have a couple of BIND servers that I have inherited.  I'm getting some
upstream  complaints that one of them is issuing duplicate queries on
occasions - probably about a dozen times a day. When it happens, sure
enough I find this in the logs: 

named[6905]: 18-Feb-2010 22:31:41.201 client query: IN TXT + 
named[6905]: 18-Feb-2010 22:31:42.560 client query: IN TXT + 

Here the last query is identical to the first buy made just over a
second later.

I'm not sure this is an issue with BIND and I suspect that it may be the
program (Postfix) that is querying the server firing off occasional
duplicate queries? I'm clutching at straws to understand what is going
on here - can anyone offer me some advice?

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