This mailing list rocks. 

Many thanks to Stephane Bortzmeyer and Jay Ford. Both where spot on with 
"allow-query". Now BIND 9.7 resolves to the outside.


---- wrote: 
> Please do not crucify me.
> Due to an security audit I have been given the task of upgrading our BIND 
> from 9.3 to a new version (9.7 is preferred). Using the package from 
> (Solaris 10/X86) the upgrade seem to work well. However, 
> whenever someone tries to nslookup (or dig) an external site (i.e. 
> they get REFUSED. If I back down to the 9.3 version all is well. I've tried 
> to find what new security feature is required, but alas I can't seem to get 
> it. What changes affect resolving outside sites?
> JC

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