Nicholas Wheeler wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 23:40 +0300, Eugene Crosser wrote: 
>> (Well, for now the plan is to do it once a year by hand. Then, we'll see...)
> For the record, NIST recommends to roll the ZSK every three months, and
> the KSK every two years.

And there are lots of other opinions on this timing as well.

Rolling ZSK using BIND 9.7 is amazingly easy - I'm planning on writing a
short paper on this as time permits.

Rolling KSK is a bit more difficult as there aren't a lot of registrars
that have the ability to accept DS records at this point anyway, and I
don't see them implementing RFC-5011 personally...

It's coming, it's just not here quite yet.


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