Phil Mayers wrote:
On 17/05/10 16:02, wrote:
Hi all,

Like a lot of people over the web, I am looking for a clean multi-master (multi-primary) solution that allow dynamic updates.

Interesting. What's the use-case for this?

From my personal experience the most common use of master only NS systems is for complex view based setups that need to avoid the xfr problems of views to slaves.

Of course there are security issues. These are usually dealt with by having at least one (hopefully pristine) hidden master.

And like a lot of people over the web, I haven't found anything interesting.
Google hasn't been friendly for now :/

I have tried :
- bind-dlz over brbd doesn't allow dynamic updates.
- rsync the .jnl files needs a rndc reload (it's not clean).
- slaughtering virgins for bind's god(s) is a little dirty (well, I haven't tried this [yet]..).
- ...

Can someone give me a hint ?

Google for unxsBind (Bind9+ multi name server set and multiple end user DNS manager), it does use local per master rndc commands but not rsync, instead it uses a different SQL based job queue mechanism for replication of master data that scales very well.

You are presumably aware that you can do "allow-update-forwarding" on slaves and they'll forward UPDATE packets to the master (and presumably then receive NOTIFY and do an IXFR to receive the updated zone)?
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