One obvious solution to keeping the firewall guys happy would just be to make them not burn state entries for the nameserver at all.... Firewalls in front of nameservers cause an ungodly amount of issues for no real benefit...

Just sayin'...


On Jun 1, 2010, at 8:35 AM, Techi wrote:

Recently, I faced huge problems with my DNS servers (bind crashed with no
apparent reason). Some of the symptons were:
* Huge number of connections on our firewalls (>150000).
* A lot of errors in syslog about max file descriptors limits reached
(currently on system, the FD limit is 4096, the default of centos)

Anyway, after the proposal of a friend of mine, I removed the the max-cache-
size limit (that was set to 256MB.
After a restart of bind, the FW guys reported a huge drop on connections
Additionally, I have no crashes so far (in contract with 1-2 per week).
So, why:
a. bind generated so much traffic?
b. Is it possible to have bind crash because I could not handle the cache
clean-up and on the same time to serve requests?

Thank you
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