We have our main domain of okstate.edu plus a ton of
non-okstate.edu names that we serve because someone purchased
the name. Each of these small zones has per haps one or two A
records and 99.9% of the time, the A records are redundant A
records that are the same as some host on our okstate.edu zone.
This is because one appears to need at least 1 A record in a
given zone. Example:

        If we have orange.com and the server is
web27.okstate.edu, I must create an A record for orange.com
using web27's IP address rather than using a CNAME record to
point to web27. If I try that, we get the error that orange.com
has no A record.

        Is there any kind of dummy A record one can stuff in to
a zone which satisfies this requirement such that one can then
use aliases or CNAME records for the valid hosts in the zone?

        What has happened here is that a bunch of servers are
moving to a new subnet and, you guessed it, they are festuned
with redundant A records for these small zones. It is
going to be a lot of manual work to move them over, but I am
hoping it is a teachable moment in which there may be a better
way to do this so next time, all we do is move addresses and the
rest just keeps working.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.

Martin McCormick
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