On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 11:23:51AM +0200, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> works for me, works for mark... the problem is apparently not on their side.
> I have tried more times when reading this thread. I'm also curious where the
> problem could be.
All I know is that "something" changed last week and it stopped working
for several people all over the world on completely unrelated networks
and setups.  I'm just one of them.  Occams razor says that the most
likely cause is at domaincontrol as they are the only common factor in
all of these.


Erwin Lansing                       (o_ _o)       http://droso.org
Ceterum censeo                 \\\_\   /_///
Carthaginem esse delendam        <____) (____>    er...@lansing.dk

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