> On 7/9/2010 4:57 AM, Chiesa Stefano wrote:
>> "27/05/2010  17.06.32 1094  C:\bind\bin\named.exe Protezione
>> antivirus standard:Impedisci a worm distribuiti tramite mass-mailing di
>> inviare messaggi"
>> (translated from italian: Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail).
>> What is strange is the blocked process: C:\bind\bin\named.exe (our
>> Windows 2003 Bind 9.6.0-P1 installation).
>> So, does bind send email?
> BIND does not send e-mail.  I'd be curious if you have any way of
> telling exactly what the trigger was for the "anti-virus" code.
> BTW, as I'm sure someone else will if I don't, please start new threads
> by sending a new e-mail to bind-users@ and not by replying to another
> already in-progress thread.
> AlanC

check below link
apparently viruses (some) hide themselves behind that name/process.

mind you, it might be something else ...


bEsT rEgArDs            |       "Confidence is what you have before you
tomasz dereszynski      |       understand the problem." -- Woody Allen
Spes confisa Deo        |       "In theory, theory and practice are much
numquam confusa recedit |       the same. In practice they are very
                        |       different." -- Albert Einstein

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