> >Allow bind to use as wide a range of port numbers as possible for UDP
> >traffic.

On 09.08.10 17:14, Shiva Raman wrote:
> Yes this is allowed in the firewall.

note that bind also should not have "port" potion in query-source statement.

> > Make sure your firewalls don't do daft things like forcing any DNS
> >traffic to come from a limited range of source ports, or blocking large
> >UDP packets or EDNS.  Allow DNS queries over TCP as well as UDP.

>  Yes in firewall , both TCP and UDP DNS queries are allowed.

allowed is one part, not to have broken firewalls that inspect (and break)
DNS packets is another one. 

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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