> Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 11:58:45 -0700
> Subject: Re: I get "No mail exchanger (MX) records available for 
rim.com" error just for a couple of domains
> From: Samad Agha <samad.agha2...@gmail.com>
> To: Dave Sparro <dspa...@gmail.com>
> Cc: bind-users@lists.isc.org
--------------------------- original
Dave or anyone else who can help:

1- ns2 is a solaris 8 box.

2- I'm not sure what's the version of bind running on it (I'm
relatively new here). I do "#named -v" and I get nothing. When I
perform "# find / -name named", I only get "/var/named" as output. This
is a directory with all the db.* files in it.

3- Which log file can I look to see this. There is nothing in
/var/adm/messages.0 file.
---------------------------end original

named on a solaris boxen is usually called "in.named" that is generally
stored at /usr/sbin/in.named ...  (IF you're running the "as
distributed" version...)

Do "ps -ef|grep named" to see which version is running.

Where your logfiles are stored depends on your /etc/named.conf...
Typically, this file either exists in /etc or in whatever .../etc
directory that may be named on the command line when named is started.
("ps -ef|grep named" is your friend to find out...)

After you find out WHICH named is running, you can find out the
version, config file, etc, etc...


Gregory Hicks
Gregory Hicks                           | Principal Systems Engineer
                                        | Direct:   408.569.7928

People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men
stand ready to do violence on their behalf -- George Orwell

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.  -- Thomas Jefferson

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they
be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton

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