Has anyone been able to get 9.7.1-P2 to build with pkcs11 and run on
RHEL/CentOS 5?  I appear to be able to configure and make without any
problems but when I go to run it I get the following error in the log.

named[14899]: starting BIND 9.7.1-P2 -c /etc/named.conf -t /var/named/chroot
named[14899]: built with '--with-libtool' '--localstatedir=/var'
'--disable-threads' '--enable-ipv6' '--disable-static' '--with-pic'
'--with-pkcs11=/usr/lib64/pkcs11/PKCS11_API.so' '--with-gssapi=yes'
named[14899]: using up to 4096 sockets
named[14899]: initializing DST: no engine
named[14899]: exiting (due to fatal error)

>From what I have been able to deduce this means that bind can't find or
use the pkcs11 encryption engine.  Compiling without the "--with-pkcs11"
option produces a functional executable.  Stangely the exact same
configuration options worked just fine with 9.7.0 so something seems to
have changed between those releases.  My ultimate goal is to do a full
DNSSEC depolyment so I'm guessing the pkcs11 option is going to be
required if I want to generate and manage keys etc.  Anyone have any
ideas?  I suspect that I'm missing some encription library or something.

Timothy A. Holtzen
Campus Network Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University

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