On Thu, 9 Sep 2010, Lyle Giese wrote:

David Forrest wrote:
On Thu, 9 Sep 2010, Lyle Giese wrote:

I am trying to install bind 9.7.1-P2 from source on a SLES 10 SP3 server.

When I run named from the command line, it runs, but fails to open and write any of the zone files it downloaded.

named -c /etc/named.conf   (yes I am running this a root)


I checked the version of named and named-checkconf using -v and -V and tried running it via the full path. They have the right version number 9.7.1-P2.

Lyle Giese

Lyle, since it runs from the command line, it would seem that you're left with the zone files and those special files named needs. From the named-checkconf man: "Note: files that named reads in separate parser contexts, such as rndc.key and bind.keys, are not automatically read by named-checkconf. Configuration errors in these files may cause named to fail to run, even if named-checkconf was successful. named-checkconf can be run on these files explicitly, however."

I have also found some pesky errors in my zone files by running named-checkzone on them. That may be indicated as you can run but the zones don't open.


David Forrest                     e-mail   d...@maplepark.com
Maple Park Development Corporation  http://xen.maplepark.com
St. Louis, Missouri    (Sent by ALPINE 2.01 FEDORA 11 LINUX)
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