On Sep 12, 2010, at 10:45 AM, Tony Finch wrote:

> I could not get private stub nor forward zones to work if their public parent 
> is signed and does not have a delegation to the private zone.

Does it work if the parent does have a DS record for the child covered by the 
stub zone? I would expect it would not do so, since with a stub zone, the 
resolver ought to start resolution right there, thus never seeing the parent's 
DS record.

Instead, add a trusted key for the stub zone.

Conceptually, a stub zone is like a root hints zone. You need a trusted key for 
the root in order to trust its DNSKEY. The same should be true of stub zones.

Disclaimer: I have not actually tested this. It's never come up as a problem 
I've had to solve; stub zones have typically been for internal DNS 
environments, where DNSSEC rollout has not been a priority.

Chris Buxton
BlueCat Networks

> On 12 Sep 2010, at 03:41, Chris Buxton <chris.p.bux...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sep 11, 2010, at 2:34 AM, Phil Mayers wrote:
>>> You'll need a:
>>> zone "name" {
>>> type forward;
>>> forward only;
>>> forwarders {
>>>   ips;
>>> };
>>> };
>>> It won't automatically detect that another view contains the zone and 
>>> redirect it; you have to tell it.
>> Use a stub zone instead of a forward zone, so that the query will actually 
>> reach the authoritative view. With a forward zone, the query is recursive, 
>> so will be picked up by the recursive view - the view will query itself and 
>> not receive an answer.
>> zone "zone.name" {
>>    type stub;
>>    file "/path/to/recursive-view-data/zone.name";
>>    masters {; }; // or whatever the correct IP is to reach the 
>> internal view
>> };

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