Per-zone recursion control doesn't exist in BIND, because frankly it doesn't make sense.

Either a zone type is meaningless *without* recursion (type forward, type stub), or recursion is *unnecessary* because the nameserver answers from authoritative data (type master, type slave).

Put another way, have you thought through exactly what you want to happen if a client queries something not specifically carved out for recursion, e.g.

The response from a BIND instance, when recursion is denied or not requested, is always either (as per Section 4.3.1 of RFC 1034):
a) an answer from authoritative data,
b) an answer from cache
c) a negative-caching response,
d) a (0 answers) referral, or
e) some sort of "non-response", like an error (SERVFAIL) or an administrative rejection of the query (REFUSED)

If (a) doesn't apply (because not authoritative) and neither does (b) (because how can answers be cached in the first place if recursion is being denied?), that leaves (c) through (e), none of which are particularly useful to the client. So you might as well REFUSE queries outside of zones for which recursion is not explicitly enabled. Configure "allow-query { none; };" as the default followed by specific exceptions for the zones you want to "open up", e.g.,

- Kevin

On 9/30/2010 5:09 AM, Joerg Dorchain wrote:

I am puzzled with a bind config for a kind of dns-reverse-proxy situation.

I have a server with only one public IP addresse, bind running on
port 53 of it.
This bind serves A subdomain
should be served on some other software answering DNS request
with dynamically generated answers.

I can create a forward zone like this
zone "" {
   type forward;
   forward only;
   forwarders { port 5353; };

which works fine in the way that it forwards all queries to and
all answers from the other DNS software running on port 5353, but
- this is problem - only if the view with the statement allows

For several reasons I do not want to answer all queries for all
domains recursivly, just those for that one zone.

When I turn recursion off, bind answers with a referal to itself
(glue records work ;-), which in this case is not helpful.

Does anybody have an idea on how I can persuade bind to answer
only this zone recusivly?



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