| Hi All: One more conf issue on bind 9.7.1-P2
| After running rndc-confgen and reloading BIND I?m getting this error:
| WARNING: key file (/etc/namedb/rndc.key) exists, but using default
| configuration file (/etc/namedb/rndc.conf)
| rndc: connection to remote host closed
| This may indicate that
| * the remote server is using an older version of the command protocol,
| * this host is not authorized to connect,
| * the clocks are not synchronized, or
| * the key is invalid.
| It seems like I have a valid key in both files...what do I need to change?

I'm guessing from the /etc/namedb path above that you're using FreeBSD.
In that case there is no reason to use rndc.conf, as FreeBSD generates
an rndc.key file for you.

1. Stop named ('service named stop' or '/etc/rc.d/named stop')
2. rm /etc/rndc.conf
3. Start named ('service named start' or '/etc/rc.d/named start')
4. rndc status

Thanks again...removing the rndc.conf file worked! I think where I became confused was after installing 9.7.1-P2 from the ports collection on FreeBSD 8.1, it installed an "rndc.conf.sample" file in "/etc/namedb/"...I tried renaming that file and using it, saw some errors, and then ran rndc-confgen, which created the "rndc.key" file instead.
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