There is a lot of assumed magic with DNS. It would be nice if things were 
possible but they aren't.

Think for a moment. 'I changed the IPOD address but my registrar isn't picking 
it up!' Well, how do you expect them to if you don't tell them? They don't have 
a crystal ball to read your mind or intentions.

No magic involved. They can only do what you tell them. Not even the newest 
magic incantation, DNSSEC, can provide that magic.

Sorry for the top posting. But,
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online-reg <> wrote:

>Hi All: I think this is a little OT, but I’m wondering why changes to my NS 
>records aren’t propagating when my NS is authoritative for my domain?
> is registered at NetSol and delegated to my NS:
> (running on bind9/fedora)
> (running on bind9/Freebsd)
>Global TTL is 3h and TTL for the “NS1” record is 1200, but after changing the 
>IP address of ns1 more than 24 hrs ago, it is not being picked up by NetSol’s 
>NetSol is returning the old record:, while my zone file has 
>I’ve seen this issue reported over the years, and the recommendation seems to 
>be “complain to NetSol”.
>Just wondering if something in my zone config is wrong, or if this is normal 
>for changes to NS records? NetSol is just ignoring my TTLs and caching the old 
>IP for as long as it wants?
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