Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 23:20, Andrey G. Sergeev (AKA Andris)
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Dotan!
> Hello hello!
>> You might be blocking 53/udp and (or) 53/tcp port. Try to query your
>> problematic server from some other location rather than the site this
>> server is installed on.
> The ports aren't blocked as another site ( hosted on the
> server works fine. The working site has both nameservers
> pointed to that same server (on two different IP addresses on eth0 and
> etho0:0). Only the site which has one nameserver on the
> machine and the second nameserver on is giving me a
> headache.
I would like to help but since you are refusing to post the real ip
address or the real hostnames or the real domain names involved, I can
not. I could do some testing from here to see if your firewall was
configured correctly or what the view was from outside your network. But
I can not.

You appear to be posting sanitized portions of named.conf, so we can not
tell if you have a typo in there that would cause this problem. You may
also be bypassing a firewall misconfiguration because of your testing
methods, but we can not tell as you are not posting the real IP
addresses. Even though the ip addresses involved are registered for web
and dns services that should be availible to the world anyway.

Lyle Giese
LCR Computer Services, Inc.

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