I would like to calculate the Key-ID from a DNSKEY record. I'd prefer to
do this in PHP as this is inside some existing PHP (Web) scripts but I
guess calling a C program would not be too inconvenient.

I'd like to index records (ie DNSKEY and DS Records) according to their
Key-ID - and present them grouped by Key-ID. DS keys are usually
presented with their Key-ID - so are less problematic.

        Side issue - the RFC description for a DS Record on the wire
        gives the first 16 bytes as the Key-ID, followed by (8-bit)
        Algorithm, (8-bit) Digest type and (32 bytes - or so) Digest. Is
        all this info encoded into the Base-64 stuff that one can see as
        ascii in a zone? ... or is the base-64 ascii stuff just the
        I'd love to be able to validate both DS and DNSKEY records that
        people give me but I am still floundering around amongst the
        DNSSEC RFC's...

I understand that key-ID's are not necessarily unique but as I'd usually
not have more than about 4 or so in any one domain - I'm hoping that
statistics will be with me 99.95% of the time. 

Anyway - does anyone have existing code snippets that might assist me?
  .  .     ___. .__      Posix Systems - (South) Africa
 /| /|       / /__       m...@posix.co.za  -  Mark J Elkins, Cisco CCIE
/ |/ |ARK \_/ /__ LKINS  Tel: +27 12 807 0590  Cell: +27 82 601 0496

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