In message <>, Brian Keefer write
> Downloading the tarball for bind-9.7.2-P1 from and building it fr
> om source fixed the segfault issue.
> I'm still seeing a (possibly related) issue where if I do dig +trace txt <dns
> bl record> it takes 6-10 seconds (measured by time(1)) to complete, all after
>  printing the authoritative server for DNSBL (prior to printing answer).
> If I do dig @<dnsbl.hostname> txt <dnsbl record> I get the same pause. If I d
> o dig @<dnsbl IP> txt <dnsbl record> there is no pause.  There is also no pau
> se if I do dig <dnsbl.hostname>.  It doesn't look like there's any issue reso
> lving the A RR, so why the long pause with dig +trace or dig @hostname vs. di
> g @IP?

And if you look for IPv6 addresses?

        dig aaaa <dnsbl.hostname>
> I'm only getting this behavior with this particular DNSBL, so far as I know. 
> The DNSBL runs a modified (only the back-end, SFAIK) version of rbldnsd.
> --
> bk
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