Also be careful about .local, that name is being used by the systems for
"bonjour", so if you also use it, strange things have been known to
happen. May I suggest e.g. .lan, .home, .xyz, ...

On 22/12/10 21:06, wrote:
> Hi,
> keep calm ;-) I do not await a solution in 5 minutes ;-)
> Am Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010, 23:38:13 schrieb Bill Larson:
>> On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 1:34 PM, <> wrote:
>>> Hi List,
>>> I have not yet found a solution for my problem. So I came here:
>>> I use DDNS. Every night my server (in my local network) is shutting down.
>>> On
>>> the next day I have the problem that DDNS is no longer working, because
>>> on update I get the error that the DNS record allready exists. What is
>>> the solution?
>>> I use BIND version 9.7.2_p3-r1.
>> Well, there have been two questions asked but no more information given.
>> That doesn't make it easy for anyone to help you.
>> Some questions:
>> 1. What is your DHCP server?  H/W and S/W.  Are you talking about a Linux
>> box running "dhcpd" or a NetGear router running their DHCP server.  This
>> may make just a little difference.
> I use the DHCPD from I run Gentoo Linux on 
> that server. This server is the router, dhcp server and dns server in my LAN. 
> It is standard x86 hardware.
>> 2. Why is your server shutting down?  Is this shutdown expected?  Also,
>> which server are you referring to?  Is this the DNS server or the DHCP
>> server (or both)?  You may have problems well outside the issue of DHCP and
>> DNS.
> It is shutting down every night, because I sleep at night ;-) DHCP and Bind 
> both are running on this server. It is just an idea of me that bind is 
> dumping 
> the journal to the zonefile on shutting down. In primary zone file I have:
> coffee                  A
> But I never was writing it there by my own. This must be a result of DDNS.
>> 3. Who is trying to perform the DDNS updates?  Is this the client machines
>> or the DHCP server?
> The DHCP tries to perform a DDNS update if the client sends its hostname 
> (what 
> it normaly should do). The client itselfs just performs a DHCP request. The 
> DDNS update is done via rndc-key.
>> 4. What do you see in your logs?  This may answer your question without any
>> more work on anybody's part.
> 22-Dec-2010 20:35:44.451 update: info: client updating 
> zone 'sugarland.local/IN': update unsuccessful: coffee.sugarland.local/A: 
> 'rrset does not exist' prerequisite not satisfied (YXRRSET)
> I was reading that this means that the name/ip already exists. I was confused 
> by the message but I found a page which explained why it says "not exist".
> As I get the error message "coffee" had a record for But 
> coffee 
> was getting BTW: coffee is a notebook in dual boot between 
> windows and linux. May this is part of the problem?!
>> 5. What is your DNS server configuration?  Who is allowed to perform DDNS
>> updates?
> include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";
> controls {
>         inet port 953 allow {; ::1/128; } keys { "rndc-
> key"; };
> };
> zone "sugarland.local" IN {
>         type master;
>         file "pri/";
>         allow-update { key rndc-key; };
> };
> zone "" IN {
>         type master;
>         file "pri/";
>         allow-update { key rndc-key; };
> };
>> 6. When you say that "the DNS record already exists", have you confirmed
>> this?  Just query your DNS server for that record and see if it is really
>> there.  If it is not, this this message, which I am assuming is from your
>> DHCP server or from your client machine, isn't true.  Then again, if it
>> really does exist, why would you think that it magically disappears?  If
>> you add a record to a zone, why would you think that it shouldn't still be
>> there?
> It is true. See above.
>> 7.  You say you are running "BIND version 9.7.2_p3-r1".  Sorry, I can
>> understand the 9.7.2-P3 part, but what is the "r1" you are referring to?
>> (I'll bet you are running Gentoo Linux, but this is just an assumption.) 
>> Is this built from the BIND sources from ISC or is this some package that
>> you got from someone else?
> You have win :-) This is a version extension from Gentoo. The package uses 
> the 
> sources from No patches are applied.
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Best regards

Sten Carlsen

No improvements come from shouting:


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