I will consider very much your hints. Thank you for your point of view and I 
would like to try What you suggested.


On 14/feb/2011, at 00:24, Doug Barton <do...@dougbarton.us> wrote:

> On 2/13/2011 8:06 AM, fddi wrote:
>> I do not know why you really don't liket this mysql solution.
> It isn't a matter of "not liking" it. Given that you have steadfastly refused 
> to answer any of the questions from people who are trying to help you, my 
> feeling is that you have decided that you want to use mysql no matter what, 
> and you're not really interested in discussing A) What you're actually trying 
> to accomplish, and B) What might be the best tool for doing that job.
>> OK I am talking of a DNS for HA purposes for grid computing services for
>> exampe, so DNS resolution must be always working at any cost.
> I'm very familiar with providing mission critical DNS.
>> The David solution can be OK, but I want to be sure not to have issues
>> with serial numbers on the two servers
> If you nsupdate both servers at the same time, you won't.
>> and the mysql solution looks safer to me. You do not have to rsync
>> anything, just have mysql properly configured.
> You're talking about rsync as if it's a huge problem, so my guess is that 
> you're familiar with mysql, but not familiar with rsync. This reinforces my 
> belief that you've settled on mysql as the solution no matter what.
> But let's take an actual look at your scenario for a second. Which do you 
> _think_ would be faster, rsyncing your data (very little of which is likely 
> to have changed during the outage) or the db synchronizing, which requires it 
> to connect to the other master, play all the transaction logs that it missed, 
> and verify that it's once again in a consistent state? Having thought about 
> it, what results do you get after you actually test it?
> Good luck,
> Doug
> -- 
>    Nothin' ever doesn't change, but nothin' changes much.
>            -- OK Go
>    Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
>    Yours for the right price.  :)  http://SupersetSolutions.com/
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