On 2/23/2011 4:57 AM, Eivind Olsen wrote:
is there any option in BIND to give priority to HOST file before
connecting it to internet ISP or local zone?
No. BIND doesn't read/use the hosts file.
What you _can_ do is configure BIND to believe it's authoritative for
those zones, but I'd not recommend doing this unless you have a very good
reason. And if your Internet connection goes down, does it really matter
whether you can do lookups, if you can't make the connections anyway?

I hear that reasoning a lot, but it's actually a fallacy. Some applications/subsystems differentiate between "host not found" errors (considered "permanent") and "cannot connect" errors (considered "temporary" and retryable). In fact, those might be very different code paths, and the app/subsystem behavior might differ wildly.

Unless one intimately knows the failure behavior of *every*single*app*and*subsystem* in one's environment (which in a large/complex environment is a constantly moving target, since new apps and subsystems are being implemented all the time), one should err on the side of safety and ensure that DNS resolution still works even if the resources that the address (A/AAAA) records point to is unavailable.

One should also bear in mind that DNS isn't only used for obtaining address records for purposes of immediate client/server connection. Data mining, resource location, and general information retrieval functions are often implemented in DNS, and the availability of these functions shouldn't necessarily be made dependent on the up/down status of some arbitrary network link. It's also possible that an app could make a lookup, and as long as the TTL on the records hasn't expired, legitimately attempt a connection at some _later_ time. Not everything is "on-demand".

To answer the original poster's question: BIND doesn't control whether a process uses the hosts file for its lookup or not, that's usually an OS-configuration thing (see, e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_Service_Switch, http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/aix/v6r1/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.aix.files/doc/aixfiles/netsvc.conf.htm, etc.)

- Kevin

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