as I now know what key DS uses. 

I logged into my account and I moved isc dlv record SHA1 DS, 
and I thought to receive a new record or something like that. 

well no reply from the ISC is :
A corresponding DNSKEY already exists for this record.

All comments are welcome to help me find a solution

nb : I publish on my blog a little article on dnssec
Le mardi 01 mars 2011 à 21:00 +0100, Torinthiel a écrit :
> On 03/01/11 20:17, fakessh @ wrote:
> > is the repeat isc dlv seems to accept the flag DS 
> > in my case i have to a file 
> > but the file contains two keys DS and i don't know which to use
> The DS you have are both for the same key, only one is SHA1 and other
> SHA256. You could try any of them, but see below.
> ISC DLV accepts keys, you have to create an account, add your zone and
> keys for it. I remember having some trouble trying to add DS records,
> but DNSKEY worked fine. Of course the zone has to be signed using that
> key, and ISC asks you to add a TXT record at (or something
> similar) to prove your ability to modify the zone.
> The procedure is simple and well defined.
> And about OVH - I don't know if it's related, but I've asked Polish OVH
> how about providing DNSSEC, as .pl is planned to be signed mid-year, and
> they've answered me they will probably be ready. This might, or might
> not be related to providing DNSSEC by other OVH branches and for other
> registries.
> Torinthiel
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