A recursive resolver of mine running BIND 9.7.3 logs many messages like:

   resolver: DNS format error from resolving \
     en.wikipedia.org/AAAA for client ::1#33887: invalid response
   lame-servers: error (FORMERR) resolving 'en.wikipedia.org/AAAA/IN': \

I see this for a variety of domains, including wikipedia.org, yahoodns.net,
officedepot.com, & staples.com.  I did some investigation, including sniffing
the DNS traffic.  The problematic case seems to be names which have CNAMEs to
names in other zones for which the queried record type doesn't exist.  For

   en.wikipedia.org is a CNAME -> text.wikimedia.org
   text.wikimedia.org is a CNAME -> text.pmtpa.wikimedia.org
   text.pmtpa.wikimedia.org has an A record, but no AAAA, TXT...

A query for type=aaaa name=en.wikipedia.org returns:

   % dig -t aaaa en.wikipedia.org

   ; <<>> DiG 9.7.3 <<>> -t aaaa en.wikipedia.org
   ;; global options: +cmd
   ;; Got answer:
   ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 45218
   ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

   ;en.wikipedia.org.              IN      AAAA

   ;; Query time: 229 msec
   ;; SERVER: ::1#53(::1)
   ;; WHEN: Wed Mar 16 11:34:08 2011
   ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 34

The response packet from the wikipedia/wikimedia DNS servers is:

   Internet Protocol, Src: (, \
      Dst: (
   User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 53 (53), Dst Port: 55497 (55497)
   Domain Name System (response)
       [Request In: 159]
       [Time: 0.061065000 seconds]
       Transaction ID: 0xd49c
       Flags: 0x8400 (Standard query response, No error)
       Questions: 1
       Answer RRs: 0
       Authority RRs: 1
       Additional RRs: 0
           en.wikipedia.org: type AAAA, class IN
       Authoritative nameservers
           wikimedia.org: type SOA, class IN, mname ns0.wikimedia.org

so, basically:
   code NOERROR
   no answer
   authority citing wikimedia.org

NOERROR seems right, but it includes authority information for the zone of
the CNAME target without including the CNAME as an answer, amounting to a
mismatch between the original query & the cited authority.

Note that if I do an A query first, I get the CNAME via a correctly formed
response, after which the TXT & AAAA queries work, with the CNAME chain filled in from local cache.

To me it looks like BIND is doing the right thing (as usual ;^), but the wikipedia... servers are returning bogus responses. Is this interpretation correct? If so, does anybody know what apparently screwy DNS server or configuration causes this behavior? I saw something similar with an F5 installation here on campus briefly before I had the local folks fix it, but I'd like some confirmation that's what's going on with wikipedia... before I try to get them & others to fix it. Further, if it's a systemic F5... problem, then a different approach is probably in order.

Jay Ford, Network Engineering Group, Information Technology Services
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242
email: jay-f...@uiowa.edu, phone: 319-335-5555, fax: 319-335-2951
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