On 4/5/2011 8:05 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
> In message <alpine.bsf.2.00.1104052216180.2...@bikeshed.isc.org>, Dan Mahoney 
> w
> rites:
>> On Tue, 5 Apr 2011, Jukka Pakkanen wrote:
>>> I'm moving one of our DNS servers (Win 2003 R2, v9.7.0) to a new 2008 R2 x6
>> 4
>>> server.
>>> After installing v9.8.0 I copied the /etc directory & subdirectories, the
>>> named user has full rights in relevant directories and "log on as a service
>> "
>>> rights... still I get the following error in eventviewer when trying to sta
>> rt
>>> the service:
>>> "none:0: open: C:\Windows\system32\dns\etc\named.conf: file not found"
>>> Any ideas?  The named.conf file IS there, and the directories/datafiles are
>>> identical to our old, working server.  Tested with "administator" as the us
>> er
>>> as well, same problem.
> Windows Vista and Windows 2008 maps system32 filenames to a different
> location that I can't remember off the top of my head.
> I would uninstall named and then re-install it in "C:\Program Files\ISC\BIND9"
> or similar to avoid the mapping.  The location of the configuration files
> are stored in the registry so everything should work if you do this.

I install my named to use d:/named/etc and avoid putting anything in
system directories. It's a bad idea. You also need to make sure that you
define the directory option in named.conf to point to this directory:

directory "d:\named\etc";
 notify no;
 recursion yes;

The BINDInstall installer should take care of this. I had made changes
to the installer to avoid using system32/etc for just this reason though
I don't think it's made it into the cvs head.

You can run BINDInstall and click the Uninstall button to uninstall it
there and then click on the Install button to put it in the right place.
I put my named binaries in d:/named/bin, it's safer that way.


>> Start a command shell as that user and try to more the file?
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