> Can you explain why you need that?

When you have hundreds / thousands of existing zones (from shared hosting)
from users it is sometimes impossible to go in a fix all of the mistakes.
Right now these zones work (queries are answered in 9.6) but the  domains
are not even loaded when trying to upgrade.  It would be nice to just have a
warning and still serve the queries instead of a "you are offline" decision
(since the zone does not load now).

> It wouldn't be too hard to add a zone configuration option to disable this
> check (it would set the DNS_ZONEOPT_NOCHECKNS flag in the zone options
> before loading the masterfile).  But I'm confused why one would want to
> serve a zone if it isn't going to work anyway.

The zone does work.  The "www" records work, the "mail" records work. The NS
records even work.  The problem is that they are missing some A records.
The truth is that they usually have the appropriate A records setup at the
registrar (comes back as glue) so everything works anyway.  They are just
missing the corresponding A records in their zone.   No reason to take the
zone completely offline when doing an upgrade.

Just my opinion.... would be extremely helpful when doing upgrades on BIND
for existing users.

Best regards,
-Rodney Hives
(Internet user since... well.... before Gore built it....)
bind-users mailing list

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