On 11 April 2011 14:04, Martin McCormick <mar...@x.it.okstate.edu> wrote:

> Stacey Marshall writes:
> > I'm not certain as to what it is your trying to do exactly, but the hint
> > zone should provide addresses of root servers.  One of which will be
> > contacted to download the list of root nameservers.
>        This is a special-purpose DNS used for network
> registration in which unauthenticated clients can only get
> either a registration server or a few lookups to places like
> Apple and Microsoft to download patches before we let them on
> the production network. It is not meant to be the least bit
> normal as far as the usual application of DNS goes.
> the hint zone basically serves itself as root.

Fair enough, the root server listed in the fake list would also need to load
the zone, for example:

zone "." in {
        type hint;
        file "root.hint";

zone "." in {
       type master;
       file "root.zone";

The hint file has a format that simply lists the Address and PTR records, as
observed from a simple "dig | grep -v '^;'", for example:

.                       518400  IN      NS      our.fake.root.
our.fake.root.     3600000 IN      A

The actual master zone must have the SOA, NS records, glue and the wildcard.

Hope that helps.

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