Thanks for the answer but:

In the example i post yesterday: on my server1 the recursion is enabled 
(recursion yes), but the server1 can't recurse because i stop it on firewall 
and it can't contact the outside.
You say "Don't use forwarding from a recursive server to a non-recursive 
server" but when my server1 is recursive (and the firewall allow it to contact 
the outside), and server2 don't recurse because in it's conf recursion is set 
to no, when i ask my server1 about<> (dig 
@0<>) , server1 forward the query to 
server2 which answer by the CNAME<> and then 
server1 recurse to find the IP of<>. and 
everything works fine.
you say "If server 2 is auth-only or otherwise can't resolve the address of<>, then forwarding a query to it is not going to 
work." No as i say when server1 really recurse ( recursion yes, and the 
firewall allow the server1 to contact outside) and server2 don't recurse 
(recursion no) all is ok: server1 forward the query to server2 which answer by 
the CNAME<> and then server1 recurse to find the 
IP of<>. and everything works fine.
You say "then using a stub zone for<> will 
work", why i will use a stub zone since  a forward do the same thing expected.

And my question is always this:
forward only; as i read means a recursive query, in other term a query with the 
RD bit is enabled. which means that when my server1 (which has recursion yes 
but can't recurse because the firewall don't allow it to contact the outside, 
which finally means server1 can't recuse) ask server2 about<>, server2 will normally make all the work 
means he read on it's zone, then find the CNAME, then make a recursion to 
resolve the CNAME and finally send the IP to server1.
why server2 don't recurse to find the IP of

thanks for your help.

De : Chris Buxton []
Envoyé : jeudi 5 mai 2011 19:47
Cc :
Objet : Re: forward first: iterative or recursive query

If recursion is disabled, forwarding doesn't happen. I think you've confused 
some terms and configurations.

Don't use forwarding from a recursive server to a non-recursive server. Use a 
stub zone instead, if you can't rely on the recursion process to find the 
correct server to query.

If server 2 is auth-only or otherwise can't resolve the address of<>, then forwarding a query to it is not going to 
work. However, if server 1 is a caching server and is able to resolve<>, then using a stub zone for<> will work; server 2 will send the CNAME record 
to server 1, and then server 1 will resolve the final address record on its own.

Chris Buxton
BlueCat Networks

On May 5, 2011, at 2:15 AM, 

i have a server called server1 that is acting as a cache server( recursion 
none). And i forward the zone<> to server2 which 
has recursion enabled and master on some zone like<>.
 this is the forwarding zone on server1:
zone "<>" {
        type forward;
        forward only;
        forwarders { IP_of server2;  };
and server2 is master of the zone<>:

zone "<>" {
        type master;
        file "master/";

BUT the problem is here:<>:
www                       A
ftp                          CNAME<>

server1 can resolve<>, but can't resolve<> since the server2 sends the answer which 
is<> and not the IP, and my server1 can't make 
recursion to resolve<>.

from server1 when i dig on server2: dig @IP-server2<> it sends to me the IP, all is OK!!! 
but with a forwarding statement it sends only the CNAME

server1 is bind9.6-ESV-R4  et server2 bind-9.4.2


De : Chris Buxton []
Envoyé : mercredi 4 mai 2011 08:49
Cc :<>
Objet : Re: forward first: iterative or recursive query

With a static-stub zone, you would get an iterative query. Forwarding always 
results in a recursive query.

How are you determining that your server is sending an iterative query?

Can we (the list) see your named.conf?

Chris Buxton
BlueCat Networks

On May 3, 2011, at 5:21 AM, 

from the book DNS and Bind 5th edition [french] (o'reilly)
I read that the forward with the mode first sends a recursive query to the 
servers on the forwarders list, but as i see it only sends an iterative query. 
Also with forward only it send an itérative query.
So forward first send an itérative or recursive query?

And how i can send a recursive query with the statement forward ( without using 
I'm using bind-9.6-ESV-R4


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