Normally I'd defer to your vastly greater knowledge and experience in DNSSEC, but here in the U.S. we have a saying "I'm from Missouri", which is a roundabout way of expressing "show me" ("Show Me" being the unofficial slogan of the state of Missouri). Maybe it *should* work, but when it comes to nifty technical hacks, until co-existence is actually demonstrated, I still think there might be a gotcha somewhere...

- Kevin

P.S. Don't even get me started on car commercials. I've seen a few that never even made it to the public eye :-)

On 5/30/2011 8:18 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
In message<>, Kevin Darcy writes:
Get back to us when you prove that this co-exists with DNSSEC; otherwise
it's a non-starter. While you're at it, some data proving that this
actually enhances performance or availability would be nice too.
On further examination it will work w/ DNSSEC.   As for availability
it will decrease it as there is no way the client can do the failover
for itself as it no longer has the necessary data.  As for performance,
your milage may vary, as they say in car commercials.


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