On 07/06/11 13:51, I wrote:
I now have this situation on one Solaris 10 slave; the problem
probably also exists on the other Sol 10 slave and the two
Ubuntu hardy slaves:

The _tcp zone on the master MS DNS Server:

     1238 600 86400 3600

The _tcp zone on the BIND 9.7.3-P1 Solaris 10 server disk:

     1239       ; serial
     900        ; refresh (15 minutes)
     600        ; retry (10 minutes)
     86400      ; expire (1 day)
     3600       ; minimum (1 hour)

The _udp zone on the master MS DNS Server:

     842 900 600 86400 3600

The _udp zone on the BIND 9.7.3-P1 Solaris 10 server disk:
     843        ; serial
     900        ; refresh (15 minutes)
     600        ; retry (10 minutes)
     86400      ; expire (1 day)
     3600       ; minimum (1 hour)

Note that the zone serial number for both zones on the master is
one LESS than the serial number on the slave.  The last messages
in /var/adm/messages are

     Jun  4 07:46:57 serial number (1238) received from master ... <
ours (1239)
     Jun  4 07:47:35 zone ... expired
     Jun  4 07:47:35 zone ... transfer started
     Jun  4 07:47:35 zone ... transferred serial 1238
     Jun  4 07:47:35 zone ... Transfer completed: ...

     Jun  4 07:39:22 serial number (842) received from master ... <
ours (843)
     Jun  4 07:42:22 zone ... expired
     Jun  4 07:42:22 zone ... transfer started
     Jun  4 07:42:22 zone ... transferred serial 842
     Jun  4 07:42:22 zone ... Transfer completed

There was a zone serial number mismatch, each zone expired three days
ago, and new zones were transferred from the master.  But the zone
files on disk still have the higher serial numbers.  There are no .jnl
files on the disk.  A "dig" on the server for the zone serial numbers
shows the lower numbers, so BIND has those correct serial numbers.  I
assume that if I stopped BIND (rndc stop) and restarted it, then I
would again see the serial number mismatches.  I can try this during
the day, as this server is not heavily used.  Is there any debugging I
need to run?  Thanks.

I ran a test this morning on one of the Solaris 10 slave servers.
A query to the server showed serial numbers:

     _tcp   1238
     _udp    842

Both of these match the zone on the MS Windows DNS Server.
I checked the zone files on the slave server:

     _tcp   1239
     _udp    843

Both of these are increased by one from what BIND returns in
response to a query.

The two zones have NO .jnl files.

I did

     ./rndc stop
     <<Wait for the "exiting" message.>>
     /etc/init.d/named.anl start;tail -f /var/adm/messages

Once BIND started, the serial numbers were INCREASED, as I
expected they would be, given the lack of .jnl files.

And a few minutes later BIND complained about the serial
number on the master being less than that on the slave
for both zones.  I consider this a bug in BIND 9.
What further diagnostics do I need to get?

I have another Solaris 10 slave on which, I assume, I can
duplicate this.  And from past experience, in one day, after
the zone has expired and been refreshed, I will be in the same
state on this slave.
Barry S. Finkel
Computing and Information Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory          Phone:    +1 (630) 252-7277
9700 South Cass Avenue               Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601
Building 240, Room 5.B.8             Internet: bsfin...@anl.gov
Argonne, IL   60439-4828             IBMMAIL:  I1004994
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