Delegation records caught us too.  There used to be a
document called something like "top 10 things to pay attention
to when you upgrade from bind 8 to bind 9" which included
this gotcha, and I'd wished I'd paid real attention to it.
But it was easily fixed once the problem was understood.
We found bind 9 to use more memory and cpu, but this
was easily handled by normal server replacement.

If your site has not too much of anything specific, e.g. 20
zones, 2000 names, 500 desktops using it, one public website
with 10,000 hits a day, I expect it is extremely difficult
to buy a current computer slow enough to have any trouble with
bind 9.  A modern $300 laptop would be practically idle.

But if your server is very old, or if there is some aspect
of your configuration/site that is scaled up or advanced
features that you use, you may have to read more,
tune, benchmark, etc.  If your spam filter retrieves
its data via dns records, that could push up your
query rate and cache size.

John Wobus

On Jun 15, 2011, at 5:52 PM, Mark K. Pettit wrote:

One of the things that got us is we didn't know BIND 8 automatically created delegation records in a zone at the zone cut, if the nameserver knew of the existence of the cut.

For example, if we have the following zones in our named.conf:

 zone "" { ... };
 zone "" { ... };

and inside, we do *not* have any delegation records for "", BIND 8 will automatically create the NS records in

BIND 9 will not do this. Be sure all of your zones that have zone cuts also have the proper delegation records.

On Jun 15, 2011, at 1:30 PM, Eivind Olsen wrote: wrote:

What about zone configuration in BIND 8 and BIND 9? Is there any
difference between the two ?

Do you mean the zone configuration in named.conf, or the zonefiles?

BIND9 has a doc/misc/migration document which gives plenty of good advice
on configuration changes from BIND8 to BIND9.

In general, what I'd recommend is:

1) Read that migration document
2) Test your existing named.conf + zonefiles by either loading them into BIND9 directly, or by using the named-checkconf / named-checkzone commands
from BIND9.
3) Watch your logs

Eivind Olsen

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