On 7/23/2011 20:01, Laws, Peter C. wrote:
We use 10/8 space extensively over multiple campuses.  We need to
delegate at the 10/ essentially, the 10/16 level.  Is there a better
way to do it than
et cetera, ad nauseum and then putting in NS records as necessary?


(This is completely untested.)

Why can't you build your 10.in-addr.arpa zone as follows:

10.in-addr.arpa.        IN      SOA     ...
1.10.in-addr.arpa.      IN      NS      <bla>
2.10.in-addr.arpa.      IN      NS      <blabla>  IN      PTR     host-10-3-4-5.local.

(Glue records as appropriate.)

In other words, rather than creating each class A as a separate zone, why not put all of 10/8 in one zone and delegate just what you need / want to.

Granted if you wanted to you could split up the zones that stay local so that you don't have too many lines in the one big zone.

Just thinking out loud.

I'm afraid of the answer since I fear I'm stuck with making 256 zones

This is untested, but I don't think there's any reason why what I'm suggesting wont work. (I may need help from others with syntax.)

You /might/ want to slave the zones off of the delegated servers to offer a central place to get to all of the zones.

Grant. . . .
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