
I'm looking at the output from 9.7's "rndc stats," and I see both
incoming and outgoing statistics.  I'm trying to get a true queries per
second stat from these numbers.  Wouldn't this be both incoming+outgoing
queries?  Or, from a performance standpoint should I only be concerned
about incoming queries?  In this case:

+++ Statistics Dump +++ (1317224125)
++ Incoming Requests ++
               43128 QUERY
++ Incoming Queries ++
               28719 A
                 381 NS
                  22 CNAME
                  16 SOA
                 811 PTR
                5269 MX
                 629 TXT
                6721 AAAA
                  15 SRV
                 141 A6
                   2 DS
                 266 SPF
                 136 ANY

The "incoming requests" (43128) number is the total number of
requests/queries.  So to get a TOTAL queries per second on all types of
queries, I would perform calculations on this number, correct?


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