Raymond Drew Walker <ray.wal...@nau.edu> wrote:

> In testing, this pipe sets up the following for nsupdate which fails:

Sorry, I forgot the TTL command. Adjust its value as you require...

  dig +noall +answer dnskey $child |
  dnssec-dsfromkey -f /dev/stdin $child |
  (echo "zone $parent"; echo "ttl 3600"; sed 's/^/update add /'; echo "send") |
  nsupdate -l

> Am I also missing somewhere in the RFC where NS records of children zones
> need be populated in the parent? Is this something that has changed with
> the addition of DNSSEC?

No, it has always been an error. See RFC 2181 section 6. DNSSEC just makes
the breakage more obvious.

f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
Fisher: Southwesterly 5 to 7, occasionally gale 8. Rough or very rough.
Showers then rain. Moderate or good.
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