Many years ago, various flavors of unix began distributing a
utility called host which did almost the same thing as nslookup.
Host is what I use most of the time, now, and I actually thought
that nslookup on unix systems was maybe going away.

        A coworker recently asked me about nslookup on our
FreeBSD system and I verified the behavior he was asking about.

        Other than a different output format, what are the
advantages of having both host and nslookup.

        On the FreeBSD system in question, nslookup is
definitely a different binary than is host so one is not
hard-linked to the other.

        The behavior he was asking about was simply that all
foreign domains that one looks up with nslookup report as
non-authoritative since the DNS one is using isnot authoritative
for, say, or

        This is not a problem. I am just curious.

        Many thanks.

Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
Systems Engineer
OSU Information Technology Department Telecommunications Services Group
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