Got around to adding a virtual interface on the production box (I never could 
get this
working with keys alone), I had labbed this up previously in reverse of what I 
but transfers were broken on the production box when I reversed the views that
contained the master/slave.

The following works on the lab box, but when I swap master and zone between 
It breaks. What I wanted was:

view "internal" -> match-clients { localnets; };  -> slave zones
view "external" -> match-clients { any; }; -> master zones

I suppose it makes sense, but none the less, I think I have been staring at 
this too long.
Any have any insight? All the dynamic clients reside on the public side.

view "internal"
                match-clients           { localhost; };
                server {
                                keys { external; };
                recursion yes;
                zone "foo.local" {
                                type master;
                                allow-update { key dhcpd_ddns; };
                                also-notify {; };
                                allow-query { any; };
                                file "/var/named/";

view "external"
                match-clients           { any; };
                recursion yes;
                zone "foo.local" {
                                type slave;
                                masters {; };
                                allow-update { key external; };
                                file "dynamic/foo.local.slave_zone.db";

key external {
                algorithm hmac-md5;
                secret "...";
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