On 09.11.11 10:34, Beisiegel, Sven wrote:
2 records are configured like this:

dls-koe.gvs.local.                 2h     A
dls-koe-v6.gvs.local.              2h     AAAA   2001:4dd0:f9c0:100::251

I have clients that are running with IPv4 and IPv6 address at the same time and are configured with one of the FQDNs above. When the client is sending a query for one of the names, it directly sends an A and AAAA query.

Now for example: The client sends an A query for "dls-koe-v6.gvs.local", which is only configured as AAAA record in the server. I now would expect the server to reply with "no such name", but it doesn't.

the "o such name" also known asa NXDOMAIN reply means "dls-koe-v6.gvs.local does not exist". It's false, because it DOES exist, it just does not have A record. Apropriate response it NODATA
that means "dls-koe-v6.gvs.local exists but does not have A recors".

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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