Thanks all. Chris, Anand that's very useful to know, sorry Jeff and Philippe,
your interesting suggestions wont work in this case.

If I attack the problem from the other way down instead, the fact my current
registra doesn't allow me to add PTR or DNAME records to my top level domain
limits what exactly ? For instance, would this be a problem when implementing a
wide area bonjour subdomain using my own local dns server for clients that are 
mobile (internal/external) ?

I'm only allowed to add A NS MX CNAME TXT and SRV records via the web interface
of my registra and I imagined that I'd need PTRs or a DNAME or some ther glue 
frustratingly unavailable. Having heard your response to my original question,
I'm now desperately wishing that I got that wrong...

On Dec 12 2011, Anand Buddhdev wrote:

>I suspect that most, if not all registries will require you to provide
>at least 2 name servers, because this is highly recommended in one of
>the RFCs (forget which one now).

This seems to go right back to RFC 882 (November 1983):

| The domain must provide redundant (i.e., two or more) name servers
| to provide the name to address resolution service.  These name
| servers must be accessible from outside the domain (as well as
| inside) and must resolve names for at least all the hosts in the
| domain.

RFC 1035 (November 1987) just mentions this in section 2.1 "Overview":

| Different parts of the domain space are stored in different name
| servers, although a particular data item will be stored redundantly
| in two or more name servers.

while RFC 2182 (July 1997), which I suspect is the one Anand had in
mind, says in section 5 "How many secondaries?":

| The DNS specification and domain name registration rules require at
| least two servers for every zone.

before going on to recommend more than two in most cases.

Chris Thompson

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